(tl;dr: jump straight to section 3 below if you already know about scrolling tables)
Tables in Ctools are implemented by DataTables.net, a jQuery plugin to… well, display tables. However, as it normally is the case with Ctools, not all features are exposed via the CDE interface. And how could they, given the astounding number of features available plus the ever growing list of DataTables plugins out there. Implementing that extra bit of behaviour the users really love ends up being more an exercise in googling and finding the right plugin or trick to do the task than exploring the list of available properties in the Advanced column of CDE.
And that is the subject of today’s post. A specific tweak to the DataTables component that may be quite handy to know about.
1. To paginate or not to paginate.
By default tables are paginated in DataTables and, therefore, in CDE. However, especially if the result set is not very large, users may prefer a single page table to be displayed. Ok, that’s easy, just go to your Advanced properties tab and set pagination to False. Done, easy.
2. Don’t paginate, but scroll
However, single page tables are really only useful if your table is displaying a handful of rows. If you’re displaying some 20-30 records, for example, they may not be enough to justify pagination, but they’re way too many to display in a single page. One way around it is via CSS: just set its parent div height to be of a fixed size and set its overflow property to scroll. Again, done, easy.
Ah, except that now the table headers, filter box, etc. disappear when you scroll. And you can’t just set the scroll on the tbody element (ok, maybe you can with some really clever CSS hack). Fortunately, there’s an easy way around. A quick google search brings us to an example showing a scrollable table. The relevant property is scrollY, which can be set to any meaningful unit (e.g., 200px; vh and vw are units proportional to the viewpoort). To use it in CDE all we need is to add a new Extra option on the Advanced properties panel and set the property scrollY to whatever value we want.
Ok, but this is all relatively old news. If you have some experience with CDE and tables you may already know all this. So lets move on to something cooler.
3. But when the table refreshes, the scrollable area goes back to the top
Ah, so now your table scrolls up and down, but it has a major issue: the user wants the table to remember where it was. Namely, when the table refreshes because some parameter changed, the table should keep the search string and the scroll position and go back to the previous state.
For that, unfortunately, there’s no option in DataTables we can use, at least none we know about. So we need to implement it. Fortunately, it’s not that complex and the idea can be generalized for other properties we want to keep across component updates.
Step 1: add the following to the table’s preExecution function:
if( typeof this.tableState == "undefined"){
this.tableState = {
search: '',
scroll: 0
return true;
This creates the tableState property where we can store the two values we want to keep.
Step 2: add the following on the preChange of any selector that changes a parameter the table listens to:
var t = render_customerTable;
if( typeof t.tableState != "undefined"){
t.tableState.search = $("#" + t.htmlObject + " div.dataTables_filter input").val();
t.tableState.scroll = $("#" + t.htmlObject + " .dataTables_scrollBody" ).scrollTop();
(we need the condition just in case the selector renders before the table itself, which is the case in the sample provided)
This retrieves the two values we want to keep and updates the tableState to reflect them.
Step 3: add this to the postExecution of the table:
var e = this.placeholder().find("div.dataTables_filter input");
this.placeholder().find(" .dataTables_scrollBody" ).scrollTop(this.tableState.scroll);
This will restore the contents of the search box, force the table to draw itself again (by calling the keyup event) and then scroll the table body.
And that’s it. The table now does what we needed with relatively low effort.
Note that the code was written in the pre-require framework. If your dashboard has support for require.js the code should still work, but there are probably better ways to interact with the table, other than jQuerying its HTML target.
If you want to try it, download the sample we created.