Wow, what a ride!
Last week-end (part of) the Pentaho Community gathered in Antwerp for the 7th (8th?) annual Pentaho Community Meeting. This year the location was Antwerp in Belgium, hosted by our friends at Know BI and sponsored by Pentaho.
And it was unanimously considered the best PCM ever, if not by anything else, by the sheer quality of the presentations. We had tons of cool stuff being presented, a lot of new Sparkl plugins, PDI plugins and al in all, interesting tricks learnt from people across a wide range of specialities and roles in the Pentaho world.
In case you missed it, it’s rumoured next year PCM will be held in London (and Ubiquis is keen to help organising it) but, most importantly, you should check the Pentaho London User Group, which will meet again on 2 December at Skills Matter. Among other interesting topics, Dan Keeley (@codek1) will be presenting a talk covering the last PCM.
See you there!