Using PDI and C-tools to display real time scores analysis for UEFA Euro 2016

So, the Euro 2016 started this past Friday. We’ll have matches almost everyday until July 10th.

And here at Ubiquis we decided to start a little project around the Euro. The basic idea is: suppose England gets to half time level with Slovakia. Given both teams’ past history, what’s the most likely scenario? A win for England? A draw? A win for Slovakia? We got score change information from all Euro finals matches since 1960 from Wikipedia and parsed it with PDI. And using a real time scores API called, built a couple queries that answer one basic question: “out of all matches in which team A was leading/trailing by X goals or more, at the same point in time, how many ended up in wins, losses and draws?”.

So, for example, when yesterday Germany was leading Ukraine by 1 goal at Half time, the dashboard would give us some idea of how often Germany managed to keep a lead and win the match, or how often Ukraine managed to turn the tables around when losing by 1 goal or more and ended up drawing or winning the match.

The dataset is quite small and the data model very simple, but it serves to show how Pentaho C-tools and PDI can be leveraged to create a real time information system, fed by external data sources, in a reliable maner.

Here’s the link: Euro 2016 Analysis dashboard (no longer available).

Hopefully we’ll use the learnings from this project to expand its scope and reliability and use it for other sports competitions. Stay tuned.

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